with superior qualifications would otherwise forfeit income or because of an agency's
specialneedfor the candidate's services.
AGGREGATE LIMITATION. An employee may not receive an allowance, differential,
bonus, award, or similar payment in combination with basic pay which would exceed Level I
of the Executive Schedule.
REQUIRED FUNDING. Funding determinations shall be made by Commandant (G-WR)
working in coordination with the responsible funds manager. Absent approval by the funds
manager, local funds may be used to reimburse AFC-08 for the associated costs of
recruitment and relocation bonuses and retention allowances when the associated position is
AFC-08 funded. Recruitment and relocation bonuses shall be funded as one-time charges.
Funding for retention allowances shall be reviewed annually during the duration of the
allowance. Funding for superior qualification appointments shall be determined by the
responsible funds manager. Local funding for superior qualifications appointments is not
considered appropriate given the fact that the cost is recurring throughout the Federal career
of the employee. Fund Transfers or Change in Financial Plans to provide local funds should
ordinarily be effected after final approval of the request but before the effective date of the
personnel action.
COMPARISON CHART. Basic features and requirements for the incentives covered by
this Instruction are summarized in the enclosure (1) chart.
authority is intended to improve the Federal Government's ability to compete with non-
Federal employers for top-quality candidates. It is not intended solely to match selected
candidates' existing pay. Individuals hired at advanced rates under this authority must either
(a) have unusually high qualifications for the position and be forfeiting income that would
justify a salary above the base pay for the grade; or (b) meet a special need of the agency. All
superior qualifications appointments must be approved before the candidate enters on duty
and becomes a Federal employee.
a. Coverage. The Coast Guard may use a superior qualifications appointment for employees
newly appointed in General Schedule positions or, as specified in 5 CFR 531.203(b)(2),
for reappointments to GS positions in certain cases.
b. Criteria for Making Appointment. Requests must demonstrate:
The superior qualifications of the individual or the Coast Guard's special need that
justifies use of the authority. Specifically:
The superior qualifications determination shall be based on the clear
superiority of the candidate's qualifications compared to those of other