(2) A relative of a public official may not be promoted if the public official was a
member of the promotion panel that selected the relative for promotion unless the
public official asked to be disqualified and did not participate in the decision affecting
the relative.
Employment of Subordinates.
(1) No relative of a Coast Guard public official may be employed or assigned in any
position in which the public official may be able to directly or indirectly supervise,
control, or influence the work or employment status of the relative or the affairs of the
organization in which the relative is to be employed. Supervision in this sense is not
limited to authority to appoint or promote or to recommend appointment or
promotion, but extends to such factors as the making, approval, or review of
performance appraisals, the setting of hours of duty, the granting of leave, or the
assignment of work. Regardless of the organizational standing and location of the
employee within the chain of command, supervisor-employee relationships (or team
leader-employee relationships) between military or civilian relatives are similarly
(2) Any situation which gives rise to a relative supervisor-employee relationship or a
team leader-employee relationship requires resolution within 60 calendar days.
Preference Eligibles.
(1) The restrictions in this Instruction do not prevent the appointment in the competitive
service of a relative who is a preference eligible if: (a) the relative's name is within
reach for selection from an appropriate Office of Personnel Management certificate of
eligibles, and (b) an alternative selection cannot be made from the certificate without
passing over the preference eligible and selecting a person who is not a preference
(2) A public official cannot later promote or advocate the promotion of a relative who is
appointed under the provisions of paragraph 9.a.(1) above. That provision applies to
appointments only.
Nonpreference Eligibles. Appointing officials may not consider a nonpreference eligible
on a certificate if appointment of the eligible is prohibited by the restrictions in this
Instruction. The appointing official should consider the next available eligible instead.