c. Exceptions. Approvals as indicated in paragraphs 7.a. and 7.b. above are not required if a
state of national emergency exists, or if the position lasts no longer than 120 days.
d. Disapproval at Lower Levels. A request can be disapproved at lower levels than required
for approval, including disapproval by Commander (CGPC-cpm) and Commandant
e. Members Currently on Active Duty and Reservists Who Have Not Yet Retired. After
being approved for appointment to a civilian position, a retiring military member should
be able to demonstrate his or her availability for work within 45 days. Additionally,
prolonged delays in requesting waivers may be viewed as holding the position open for a
military member, and may result in denial of the request. Existing policy governing
advance notification by Coast Guard officers (6 to 12 months) and enlisted members (6 to
24 months) to request military retirement remains unchanged.
a. Preparation for Approval. Documentation as indicated in enclosure (1) is initiated by
the selecting official; (2) endorsed by the area or district commander, commander of a
maintenance and logistics command, commanding officer of a Headquarters unit; or by a
Headquarters Flag/SES-level official if the request covers a Headquarters position;
(3) then forwarded through Commander (CGPC-cpm) to (4) Commandant (G-WPC).
Each signature certifies that selection is consistent with all provisions of this Instruction.
Both Commander (CGPC-cpm) and Commandant (G-WPC) shall review the
documentation for consistency with the criteria in paragraph 9 whenever any applicable
retired military member is proposed for appointment.
b. Following Approval. Once approved, appointees must be documented, following
appropriate procedures, as military retirees in the Civilian Personnel Management
Information System (CIVPMIS). This will enable management to retrieve reporting
information from an automated data base.