a. Role. The CAB, will provide a forum for bi-directional communication between the civilian
workforce and the Commanding Officer. The role of the CAB is to address civilian issues,
initiatives and
programs in
order to
promote greater
job satisfaction and
corporate identity
among the civilian workforce while fostering morale and excellence in the workplace. The CAB
will not advocate or represent personal agendas, individual complaints or grievances. Individual
complaints and grievances brought to the attention of the CAB will be directed to their
appropriate forum. CAB responsibilities shall not overlap with the responsibilities of the Human
Relations Council (HRC). The mission of the HRC is to advise the Commanding Officer, serve
as liaison for the Command Civil Rights Program, in addressing human relations issues
surrounding affirmative action and diversity, and to prevent discrimination and harassment. The
CAB will transmit issues brought to the attention of the CAB that are properly addressed by the
HRC, to the HRC.
b. Report. The CAB will report to the Commanding Officer. This Instruction provides a general
framework for the CAB. Charters, bylaws or standard operating procedures within the
guidelines established by this Instruction will be developed by each CAB and approved by the
Commanding Officer.
a. Membership. Each CAB will be composed of voting members and a voting team leader, all
appointed by the Commanding Officer. Each CAB will define a quorum. The team leader shall be
selected by the Commanding Officer from the civilian workforce and serve a one-year term.
Membership for the remaining members, will be determined on an annual basis, subject to
managements' and the individuals' desires. Each CAB may have standing members based on
position. Each CAB will develop participatory standards and a process for the removal of
members, if necessary. Servicing Command Staff Advisors/Human Resources Specialists will serve
as advisors to the CAB.
b. CAB Subcommittees. Each CAB may establish standing or special subcommittees. Civilian or
military members may volunteer, with approval of their immediate supervisor, for appointment
by the CAB to serve on subcommittees.
c. Meetings. It is recommended that CAB meetings be held at least once a month.
d. Communication. Effective bi-directional communication is a vital component to the effective
functioning of the CAB. Each CAB shall communicate its mission, the events it sponsors and
employ the use of the following media:
(1) CAB Websites.
(2) Town Hall/Directorate/Command All-Hands Meetings.
(3) CAB Fliers or Newsletters.