5. PROCEDURES. Commandant (G-WPM) has overall responsibility for implementing the CHA
program for the Coast Guard.
a. Commandant (G-WPM) will:
(1) Make final determinations regarding the policy and criteria.
(2) Review CHA designations annually in January.
(3) Publish a CHA list annually and issue updates whenever an area is added or deleted from the
b. Commanders, Maintenance and Logistics Commands will:
(1) Issue implementing directives as necessary in support of the stated policies and other
pertinent directives from higher authority.
(2) Ensure Housing Authorities are aware of CHA eligibility.
(3) Evaluate and endorse correspondence forwarded for conformance with criteria contained in
this Instruction.
(4) Review criteria of designated CHA to ensure continued eligibility and forward results to
Commandant (G-WPM-4) copying their respective Area Commanders by 1 January
(5) Where appropriate, ensure requests for continuation of CHA designation address the
consideration of planning documentation (i.e., problem statement) to correct the housing
(6) Evaluate and submit Military Housing Areas (MHA) adjustments and recommendations, if
needed, in conjunction with required CHA designation.
c. Coast Guard Area Housing Authorities will:
(1) Submit to Commandant (G-WPM-4), via their respective MLC (p), requests for CHA
designations, providing supporting documentation as defined below. Enclosure (1) is a CHA
Criteria Worksheet to be completed and submitted with each request for CHA designation.