FEB 3 1999
(5) Active duty to Reserve transition
(6) Enlisted ratings
(7) Bonus programs
(8) Paths of advancement
(9) Enlisted to officer programs
(10) Veterans education benefits
(11) Reenlistment programs
(12) High Year Tenure (HYT)
(13) Centralized First Term Reenlistment Review (CFTRR)
(14) Class "A" schools
(15) General knowledge of Coast Guard organization, programs, missions, and functions.
Eligibility. Career Development Advisor billets are reserved for outstanding Senior Chief
Petty Officers and Chief Petty Officers who exemplify the finest leadership abilities and
adhere to the Coast Guard's Core Values. To be eligible for assignment as a CDA, the
individual must meet the minimum standards outlined in Article 4.E.2.a of the Coast Guard
Personnel Manual, COMDTINST M1000.6A, and
(1) Have demonstrated leadership abilities and broad management skills.
(2) Possess effective communication abilities (oral and written) and proven administrative
(3) Have demonstrated effective counseling skills.
(4) Have a sharp military appearance, demeanor, military bearing and meet all health and
physical requirements.
(5) Have an outstanding performance record.
(6) Be a highly motivated role model.
(7) Have a strong overall potential to be successful as a CDA.