Enclosure (6) to COMDTINST 1001.30E
Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC)
Shall provide a weekly data transmission to Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA) on all eligible and participating SELRES members.
Shall report all members with an MGIB-SR eligibility code "H" (new code DD)
or "3" (new code DE) immediately to VA for recoupment.
Members coded with a suspension code (new "C" series code) shall be held for
12 months before transmitting report to VA. This period will allow a member to
re-affiliate after an authorized period of absence or sufficient time to affiliate
with another Reserve component. If the member exceeds the authorized time the
member will lose their eligibility, the education benefits will be terminated
permanently and all paid educational benefits will be recouped.
VA Hines office maintains the eligibility database on all MGIB applicants. They will
verify the member's eligibility status and forward record identified for recoupment
status to VA St. Louis via a weekly-authorized transmission method.
VA St. Louis Office
Will verify the recoupment information on each unsatisfactory participant and
calculate all educational benefits paid to the member under Chapter 1606.
Forward the following information on SELRES member identified for
recoupment to HRSIC(DC):
(a) Member's name
(b) SSN
(c) Total amount to be recouped by the Coast Guard. This will exclude any
amount to be recouped by VA.
Human Resource Systems Information Center (DC) (HRSIC)
Send a letter to members who have become unsatisfactory participants. The
letter should include the following information: (1) date the member became an