f. Current Member Violations. Current active and reserve members whose tattoos or brands are
determined to violate this Instruction shall be given the opportunity to seek competent medical
advice regarding the removal or alteration of the disqualifying tattoo or brand. Members who
refuse to take the necessary steps to satisfy the requirements of this policy shall be separated from
the service. Current active, reserve, and delayed enlistment personnel with excessive tattooing or
branding on exposed limbs, including on the hands, prior to the date of this Instruction shall be
"grandfathered" indefinitely, and are prohibited from getting additional tattoos or branding in the
exposed area(s) already determined to be excessive. These cases shall be documented using an
Administrative Remarks, Form CG-3307, in accordance with the sample provided in enclosure
(1). Tattoos or branding that are prohibited by paragraph 5.a. or 5.b. are not grandfathered.
Similar documentation may be appropriate for preexisting tattoos/brands whose content requires a
judgment call. This paragraph is specifically not intended to promote a service-wide inspection or
evaluation of tattoos. Rather, it is intended to promote, when appropriate, an initial determination
by a competent command authority, to preclude repeated reevaluation by future commands.
Members who have tattoos or brands are encouraged to request their unit commander document
grandfathered tattoos or brands by a Form CG-3307.
were examined in the development of the directive and have been determined to be not applicable.
7. FORMS AVAILABILITY. Administrative Remarks, CG 3307, and Tattoo Screening Form, CG-
6052 (1-05) are available in USCG Electronic Forms or on the Internet at
Instruction as Enclosure (4).
K. T. VENUTO /s/
Assistant Commandant for Human Resources
Encl: (1)
Administrative Remarks, Sample CG-3307 for Preexisting Excessive Tattooing
Administrative Remarks, Sample CG-3307 for Tattoo/Branding Content
Administrative Remarks, Sample CG-3307 for Tattoo/Brand on Head, Face, Neck or Hands
Tattoo Screening Form, CG-6052 (1-05)
Samples of Disqualifying Markings